7 Ways to Detox Every Day . . . (without even thinking about it)

7 easy ways to detox your body daily

A friend said to me the other day that she couldn't join our regular group lunch because she was "doing a 3-day juice cleanse."  We still got together, though - just not arranged around meal time. I hear that phrase "doing a cleanse" and see the prepared kits of juices and whatnot all over the Internet.  It may be just the ticket to get someone on the right track for a healthier start. But, for others, it may be only a temporary diversion from their unhealthy ways for the few days of "the cleanse." But, whichever it is, no judgement here. The choice is yours for what works for you to pay more attention to your health and your part in creating it.

Daily Habits to Detox Every Day

More likely, it is the daily habits we do (and not do) that create our best health.  A 3-day cleanse probably can't makeup for a 300-day binge on oreos, potato chips and bottles of soda (unless you use that cleanse as a beginning to better awareness). So, here are a few ways that you can incorporate into your everyday life to create an on-going cleanse that won't cause hunger pangs:

1.  Begin gently.  Start your day off with warm water and lemon (explained why here), a few gentle stretches and some positive thoughts in there, too, for the day.

2.  Breathe it in.  Incorporate some deep breathes throughout the day to clean out your lungs and bring oxygen to all your cells in your body. In case you need to learn how to breath, here are some tips on how one doctor says to do it.

3.  Play rough.  Roughage or fiber and lots of it keep your digestive system moving. Here are some high fiber foods to eat daily to help with that.

4.  Create heat.  Sweating out toxins that can build up in our liver and cells can be done in many ways: aerobic exercise where you build up a sweat, saunas, and a bath routine like this one all help.

5.  Brush it off.  Think about dry brushing daily or a few times a week to help your circulation along (which helps the detoxification process). It helps create soft skin, too. Here's the technique.

6.  Wash it down.  Keep hydrated to clear your system.  There are many benefits to staying hydrated one of which is flushing your system and supporting the kidneys and liver.  It is amazing how much more energetic you feel when properly hydrated, too.

7.  Choose plants.  Incorporate vegetables like these and these in your diet daily to keep your system moving, fortify yourself with antioxidants and support your liver. Smoothies are a great way to pack them in or soups like these, too.

So, have you done a juice cleanse or do you run far from the mere mention of the phrase? How to you keep things running well for you in your body on a daily or near daily basis.  I'd love to know!

Need a bit more?

  • Ditching the toxins lurking about your home is important to detox, too. Start with your bathroom and here is how to do it.
  • Quality sleep is important to clearing your system of what it does not need. Try creating a restful bedroom to help you sleep better with these tips.
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