3 Things More Important To Give Someone Than That "Perfect Gift"

I have been thinking a lot about this Maya Angelou quote lately:

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Perhaps it is on my mind more now because of the time of year. As much as I love the beauty and excitement of the holidays, they can bring on a lot of extra demands - parties to attend or give, gifts to think of and make or buy, decor to create, along with plenty of food preparations.  But, that quote helps me. I say it to myself when I begin to worry or stress if that wreath looks just right, or if that recipe tastes just so or my outfit is festive enough.  Are the efforts I give to those type of things better spent?  Should I ditch the perfectionism and check the attitude? Maybe.

Certainly nothing is wrong with wanting to do something well like making a great sauce or decorating your house for the holidays to be the most festive on record, but at what expense?  It could be that the energy spent on it could have been better used.  In my efforts to create a "perfect holiday" did I disregard someone's feelings or put off something I shouldn't have?

3 Things to Give Freely

So, if Maya is right, and people really remember more about how you make them feel, I am trying to focus more of my holiday efforts on giving this. How about you?

1.  Time:  One of the biggest gifts the holidays provide is the gift of time. It is, after all, when, depending on our profession, a period when we have a few days off from work or school to spend as we wish and many of us choose to gather with family and friends. So, lets pay it forward and loan some of that free time that our job or our school has provided and pass it on to the ones we care about.  Let's give them a bit more time to dive deeper into a topic, walk a bit further, visit a little longer, or play another round of whatever you were playing.

2.  Respect: With so much extra on our plate at holiday time, our fuse can get short due to the fatigue. It means so much to others when we listen before responding, show our gratitude, act courteous (yes, even with our family) and try to understand various viewpoints.

3.  Love:  It is what makes the world go around, is it not? Let's not be stingy, but instead share that affection and adoration we feel. Give those you have not seen in a while (or someone new!) a big welcome smile into your home and into your heart.

Tell me, do you have a quote that helps you? Is there something you are trying to give more of this holiday season or for 2015? I'd love to hear!

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