Health Clicks: Just For Fun

This week, Health Clicks is all about fun stuff.  Roll on down to take some amusing quizes, gasp over some arresting photographs and meet an amazing group of athletes.

1. Does the way you talk tell some secrets about your past?  Take this quiz to find out.

2. Speaking of talk, better watch what you say around your houseplants. You never know what they may repeat. 

3. Girl or Boy? According to this list, it really does not matter.

4. Timing is everything, huh?  Flip through these photos and you will see what I mean.

5. Act your age!  Or not.  Find out if you do here. 

6. You thought you knew yourself pretty well, huh? Well, learn some more.

7. Have you ever?? This mother photographing her young boys on their farm - they are to behold.  What talent.  What beauty.

8. And, lastly, for my fellow Americans, meet the official Olympic Team USA.  Best of luck to all the competitors. Let the games begin.  I will be watching and cheering!

landscape: photo credit: <a href="">Massimo Margagnoni</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
plant: photo credit: <a href="">Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
bird: photo credit: <a href="">Leonard John Matthews</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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