Easy, Free Ways to Bring More Music Into Your Life

Music is a powerful tool for your health and there are plenty of free ways to access it.

I wrote about the numerous ways music can play a role in benefiting our health over here.  Besides clocking those hours at the gym and creating nutritious meals, studies are showing us how simply listening to beautiful sounds can improve so many aspects of our health, too!

Many have music storage devices filled to the maximum with their favorite tunes, while others need to expand their repertoire a bit or just don't have the time to create playlists or the money to download them.  

Playlists for Almost Every Mood

So, if your cell phone isn't jammed with latest musical trends, but, incorporating more music in your life is something you are more interested in doing after you have learned how many ways music can benefit you, here is a nudge.  Below are a few ways to do just that.  First, a few suggested playlists you may enjoy based on whatever you may be doing or what kind mood you find yourself in:

A playlist to deflect a bad mood It's pretty much impossible to be in a lousy mood and listen to this at the same time! Some real toe-tapping. mood elevating oldies here!

A playlist for a fun night ahead:  This one could do the trick and is pretty fun, too!

A playlist to get the job done:  Ah, the not-so-fun: final exams. They are coming up for many right before winter break! So, these are for you, my dear daughters, who will be hitting the books extra hard soon! I hope this or maybe this can make it a bit more bearable!  

Or, perhaps you may prefer background noise to help you concentrate and get your work done. This cracked me up but I must say, it is really authentic!

A playlist for that special dinner:  You can certainly find a playlist here for whatever that special dinner could be - asking for a raise dinner with the boss to the romantic Valentine's dinner with your sweetie.

A playlist to workout with:  Exercising by music can really intensify your efforts to getting and staying fit.  Here are a few to choose from depending on what kind of tunes help you run a bit longer, lift a little heavier, or take on that challenging extra pose or two.

A playlist for the season:  Perhpas write a few holiday cards or wrap a gift or two while listening to some holiday cheer.  For those who celebrate the holiday, did you know, it's only five weeks until Christmas?

A playlist to heal the soul:  If you need to have yourself a good cry or want to ponder on the tougher sides of life, I guess you could go here.

A playlist for doing stuff:  Here is a general playlist that is mostly alternative that I have been enjoying lately doing just about anything - puttering about at home, driving, blogging, cooking. Or something more in the classical realm like this or this I enjoy as well.

Free Ways to Listen to Music On-Line

You may have great musical selections already on your phone, iPod or even old records, but if you just want to switch it up like I do, here are some places that I check out rather often to get access to great music based on my mood or the occasion:
  1. Spotify has over a million songs to please you.
  2. Pandora is a nice place to discover new artists.
  3. Grooveshark has the ability to allow you to share your choices.

Music is so personal and maybe none of these do anything for you.  So, please share what you enjoy. Another playlist, a song, a particular artist . . . who and what inspires you in the music department?

Need a bit more?

  • If you live in Austin, Texas or New York City, here is an interesting site for free concerts in those areas.  

Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
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  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the box in the sidebar, "Follow by email." 

photo credits: pixabay


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