Health Clicks: Recipe Round-Up

Here is my monthly round-up of healthy, appetizing and nourishing recipes for you to consider! Give them a click.  You won't be sorry!

1.  This blogger says her tea smoked salmon is ready in 20.  Sounds amazingly tasty and amazingly quick and, of course, a great source of Omega 3s.

2.  Did you say make ahead?  Oh yes, this light stuffed zucchini dish sounds like a "go to" when you have lots of entries on your calendar.

3.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  I'll say.  This blogger took remnants from her pantry and made this nutty concoction Looks like one to spread on your whole-grain toast or gluten-free pancakes tomorrow, especially if we want to extend our lifespan.

4.  I thought this was brilliant.  We all know we need to eat more vegetables, but for those who have a hard time eating their veggies, I bet they would go for this . . .

5/6/7.  And, here and here and here are some Superbowl Munchies to chew on in-between cheers and hollers!  They look so good you may not even notice a bad call or two.

photo credit: <a href="">notarim</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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