Health Clicks

So much great stuff going on out there in cyberspace . . . and I don't just mean on-line shopping! Click on these great health related links and see what's what:

1. Many complain healthy foods cost too much.  But wait just a moment. This shows you how to eat healthy for under $6 a day!  No typo.

2. Ask Santa to place one of these under your tree for your little guy or adorable princess. These toys may be fun but they make those tiny brain cells expand at the same time! Get to work on those college funds.

3. There may be lots of reasons you can't make it to the gym this time of year, but this workout at home accepts no excuses and let's you do with no equipment, at home under 30!

4. Into having nice skin? Into using whole foods to do it? This face mask with raw honey and pumpkin looks interesting.

5. Ladies especially. Water, good. Sugary drinks, bad.

6. Music makes even the most mundane tasks bearable.  Have you tried this great free music site to match your mood?

7. I love just about anything in an iron skillet.  A delightful and light apple crisp to try!

8. My children's great grandmother, who lived in France for many years, always said, "The French say, the problem with Americans is that we don't eat enough dirt!" According to this article, maybe they have a point.  Go make a mud pie.  But, just not for Thanksgiving.

9. And lastly, a gratitude quote before this Thanksgiving holiday: “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” — Albert Schweitzer. When we are out and about this holiday season, let us be that spark to the next one, and don't forget to thank those who have lit yours.

photo credit: <a href="">spDuchamp</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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