Sweet Tooth Remedy: Healthy Chocolate Orange Mousse

Got that hankering for a bit of sweet to finish off a special meal or dare I say maybe even on its very own? Yes, me too, sometimes. You are careful with what you eat, stay away from the bad stuff and eat a lot of the good. I get the picture. You exercise regularly and don't want to blow it with one bowl of decadence.  I hear ya.  But, I think I may be able to help.  Check this out!

Here is a delightful little sweet you can treat yourself or your sweet ones to with no guilt.  Yes, indeed!  It is actually full of antioxidants, has lots of fiber, tastes great, comes together in minutes, and makes you smile. Not bad for a brief whirl in your blender.

Chocolate, Orange Mousse

For two

Make sure to click on the green for more information on why that ingredient is so good for you.



Now do this

  • Put all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Swirl until combined really well. 
  • Taste and adjust seasoning and sweet levels.
  • Pour in two cups.
  • Chill if you can wait.
  • Garnish with your choice.

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