Pack A Great Carry-On For A Better Flight, A Better Trip

World-traveler wannabee? I know I am.  Travel is part of life's education.  The people you meet, the sights you see, the foods you get to try.  The cultures, the topography and climate may all be new as well.  Travel changes you. It furthers you.  Those experiences can also lead to other experiences.  More learning. More fun!

But, traveling to far away places can be uncomfortable, even exhausting. Many experience jet lag and, frankly, sometimes getting there is nothing short of exasperating. Long lines, many regulations, crowds, and delays all can make the trip there less than appealing.  I miss the comforts of home plenty when I am gone.  All the more reason to think ahead and try to alleviate some of those uncomfortable aspects so that you can focus on the adventure.

Carry On With a Well-Thought Out Carry-On

Long flights require some planning. I wrote about avoiding jet lag here and the importance of a well thought out carry-on to help with long flights. Having the right item at your fingertips to help with some of the more unpleasant aspects of traveling can make the experience a whole lot better.

Traveling by plane we must contend with the TSA regulations that are cumbersome but necessary. Thus, any liquids I bring are, of course, TSA compliant.  (Click on the green for current TSA guidelines for that.)  I put those items in a ziplock bag for easy detection in my carry-on.

A Peek Inside the Bag

Here is what is in my carry-on for long journeys and why.  (I have not included the obvious items like a wallet and passport because you can't board the plane without an ID!)

I have separated the sections into what you might reach for on the plane and the other items for later in case your luggage gets lost (provided you are checking baggage) and you are only left to manage with your carry-on for a day or two until the airline can get it to you. (happened to me many times!)

Keep these at easy reach:
  • antibacterial wipes:  I use these to wipe down tray table, arm rests, bathroom sink, my hands or anything! I like these - yes for a baby, but who cares. No parabens or other bad stuff.
  • iPOD or smartphone with earbuds or noise-canceling headphones:  I mentioned here about creating a soothing playlist to help you sleep and relax as well as drown out the noise.  Creating a playlist is only a one time task that you can use again and again.  
  • coconut oil:  I make a travel size jar of this that I can use as a moisturizer, lip balm and eye make- up remover.  All in one swoop.  Gotta love that.  One tiny little jar and no chemicals. My favorite brand is this one.
  • toothbrush/toothpaste and hairbursh/comb;  Pretty self-explanatory why I pack this. 
  • warm socks: If I am not already wearing them, these are great for long flights as the air is so chilly!  Some easy slip on shoes are good too.
  • eyemask:  These are great to shut out light.  It also signals your brain to quiet down somehow.  This set is on my wish list.  Seriously extravagant, yes, but compact, light and effective and what a happy color!  
  • pillow case:  I bring one from home to slip over the pillow the airline provides.  You can also pack a travel pillow if you have the room. Sometimes, I just don't.
  • blanket:  I have a favorite cashmere wrap I bring on board with me and that will do with shorter flights but I also have a small lightweight travel blanket I pack for longer flights. Pass on those airline offers. Way too many germs.
  • lavender oil:  This is nice to dab on a Kleenex to block smells that disturb you and the scent can also really help a lot of people drift off to sleep.
  • healthy snacks:  I almost always carry a variety of nuts and some fruit.  If I have time, I make a smoothie with chia seeds or psyillum husk right before leaving home.  I also like to load up on fruits and vegetables before leaving town in case the food choices aren't so healthy where I will be! The seeds and husk really expand and fill you up. I sip the smoothie on the way to the airport or while waiting for the plane so that I can dispose of it before boarding.  
  • mints:  These are great to suck on to alleviate ear stuffiness and pain.
  • lemon water:  I talk here about why I drink this so much.  It is a great hydrater loaded with lots of goodness.
  • peppermint tea and chamomile tea bags:  Slip in your favorite herbal teas.  I like these two types as the chamomile is a nice one in the evening to relax by and the peppermint tea is calming for the stomach as well as refreshing.
  • OTC pain reliever of choice:  I try to not take these often but if you come down with an aching back or headache, you might be glad to have it.
  • Anything I am reading or working on.  It may require pen, paper, book, laptop, etc.

Other possible addition:  Some doctors advise baby aspirin before boarding a long flight to alleviate blood clot potential.  Consult with your doctor about this first, though.

Hopefully, you will not need these:
  • clean shirt
  • change of underwear, including socks
  • glasses/contacts and cleaners
  • essential medications
  • make-up basics/toiletries to get by for a few days
  • chargers.  This travel power adapter is a well-rated one to add to the suitcase or carry-on, too.

Safe travels, world traveler, and by all means, enjoy your flight!

And, of course, add anything you have found to be a great addition to the carry-on.  Share it all!

earth: photo credit: <a href="">NASA Goddard Photo and Video</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
eye: photo credit: <a href="">4BlueEyes Pete Williamson</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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