Health Clicks: Recipe Round-Up

Despite all the flurry of extra activity this time of year, the dinner table still needs to be set.  Dinner still needs to be served. Go ahead and embrace the holiday hustle and bustle, but,don't skip the healthy eating routine you have going for you.  Don't undo all the good.

Easy, Quick and Good

This week, Health Clicks, is all about easy, quick, but nutritious meals you can make for you and your special ones. Make a big green salad and click on any one of these ideas from around the web to make preparing dinner this week a bit easier while maintaining that goal to eat right:

1. Got a slow cooker? This looks like a great way to use it. Here is a high-protein, inexpensive and easy meal to please your whole family.  Make it your own depending on what toppings you want to add.

2. Polenta is quick and a great base for so much.  This polenta with mushrooms (a strong immune system supporter) is filling and makes a great topping.  Or try this one with lentils as a topping.

3. Here is a fast egg dish with great flavor. The herbs in this frittata like parsley and cilantro act as detoxifiers and the black pepper and turmeric combination work well together to heighten the health benefits of this dish.

4. It''s a wrap! This blogger says these lettuce with chicken and basil wraps impress.  Try it with crunchy romaine for the added health benefit of that green.

5.  Can't have a recipe round-up without a soup this time of year.  Lookie here at this one that includes a Thai flavor-infused squash with spinach.  Really filling and loaded with Vitamin A.

6. Gotta get those greens and I can't wait to try this dish to do it.  Noodles, a great sauce and lots of veg.  There is a video here, too.

7/8. This is two for one as it uses the same main ingredient two different ways. Both require you to bake the spaghetti squash first - some extra time - but once you throw that in the oven, you can run off and wrap a few gifts, write a few cards, call a long-lost friend, sing a few carols.  The rest of the recipes come together quickly.  Go here for a totally satisfying Italian comfort food dish with tomatoes and click here for these adorable little cakes with sageBoth yum!

place setting: photo credit: <a href="">srsly
squash: photo credit: <a href="">Craig Newsom</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
basil: photo credit: <a href="">OliBac</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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